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Find attributes in a Property Set

Find attributes in a Property Set

Published on 06 Sep 2023

Bastien Perez
Bastien Perez


I will show you three methods to get Property Set and the associated attributes.

Custom script

You can find my PowerShell script for managing Property Sets on my GitHub.

ActiveDirectory-Toolbox/Attributes/PropertySet at master · itpro-tips/ActiveDirectory-Toolbox
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You can use the following CMDlet:

  • Get All Property Set and the associated attributes: Get-ADPropertySet
  • Get All Property Set only, without the associated attributes : Get-ADPropertySet -DoNoIncludeAttributes
  • Get the Property Set for a specific attribute: Get-ADPropertySetForAttribute -Attribute xxxx
  • Examples:
    • Personal Information attributes: Get-ADPropertySet -PropertySetName Personal-Information
    • Find attribute set for the attribute city: Get-ADPropertySetForAttribute -Attribute l

Without any custom script

If you prefer not to use any modules, you can use this code:

# Connect to the rootDSE
$rootDSE = New-Object System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry("LDAP://rootDSE")

# Retrieve the schema naming context (distinguished name of the schema)
$schemaDN = $rootDSE.schemaNamingContext

# Construct the LDAP path to the schema
$schemaPath = "LDAP://$schemaDN"

# Create a DirectoryEntry object for the schema
$schema = New-Object System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry($schemaPath)

## Attributes in Personal-Information Property Set
$guid = [guid]"77b5b886-944a-11d1-aebd-0000f80367c1"
$guidToByteArray = $guid.ToByteArray()

$schema.Children | Where-Object { [string]$_.attributeSecurityGUID[0] -eq [string]$guidToByteArray } | ForEach-Object { $_.lDAPDisplayName }

With adfind

If you're more inclined towards using an executable, adfind is a great option.

# get the rightsGUID of Personal Information (returns) 
./adfind -sc findpropsetrg:"Personal Information"

# find the member beloning to the Property Set
./adfind -sc propsetmembersl:"77b5b886-944a-11d1-aebd-0000f80367c1"


banner-Bastien Perez
Bastien Perez

Freelance Microsoft 365 - Active Directory - Modern Workplace
