KQL query examples for Microsoft Entra ID with Log Analytics (updated March 2025)
Published on 13 Aug 2024Clap
List sign-ins
// Query only successfull sign-ins
| where ResultType == 0
| where UserPrincipalName startswith "xxxx"
List sign-ins from IPs
let IPs = datatable(IPAddress: string) ["xxxx", "xxx"];
| join kind=leftouter (SigninLogs | summarize SignInCount = count() by IPAddress) on IPAddress
| project IPAddress, SignInCount = iff(isnull(SignInCount), 0, SignInCount)
List sign-ins without MFA
// Query only successfull sign-ins
| where ResultType == 0
// Ignore login to Windows and Microsoft Authentication Broker
| where AppDisplayName != "Windows Sign In" and AppDisplayName != "Microsoft Authentication Broker" // Limit to password only authentication
// Limit to password only authentication
| extend authenticationMethod = tostring(parse_json(AuthenticationDetails)[0].authenticationMethod)
| where authenticationMethod == "Password"
// Limit to non MFA sign-ins
| extend authenticationStepRequirement = tostring(parse_json(AuthenticationDetails)[0].authenticationStepRequirement)
| where AuthenticationRequirement != "multiFactorAuthentication"
// Remove all signins coming from either a trusted network location or a compliant device
| where NetworkLocationDetails == "[]" and DeviceDetail.isCompliant != true
// Add UserName and UserUPNSuffix for strong entity match
| extend UserName = split(UserPrincipalName,'@',0)[0], UserUPNSuffix = split(UserPrincipalName,'@',1)[0]
| extend DeviceId = tostring(DeviceDetail.deviceId)
| extend DeviceOperatingSystem = tostring(DeviceDetail.operatingSystem)
| project-reorder TimeGenerated, UserPrincipalName, authenticationStepRequirement, AuthenticationRequirement, authenticationMethod, AuthenticationProtocol
List sign-ins with MFA
// Query only successfull sign-ins
| where ResultType == 0
// Ignore login to Windows
| where AppDisplayName != "Windows Sign In"
// Limit to password only authentication
| extend authenticationStepRequirement = tostring(parse_json(AuthenticationDetails)[0].authenticationStepRequirement)
| where AuthenticationRequirement == "multiFactorAuthentication"
| project TimeGenerated , UserPrincipalName
List sign-ins with MFA from IPs
let allowedIPs = dynamic(["xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx", "yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy"]);
// Query only successfull sign-ins
| where ResultType == 0
// Ignore login to Windows
| where AppDisplayName != "Windows Sign In"
// Limit to password only authentication
| extend authenticationStepRequirement = tostring(parse_json(AuthenticationDetails)[0].authenticationStepRequirement)
| where AuthenticationRequirement == "multiFactorAuthentication"
| where IPAddress in (allowedIPs)
| summarize count() by UserPrincipalName, IPAddress
List sign-ins with MFA type and make chart
| where AuthenticationRequirement == "multiFactorAuthentication"
| project AuthenticationDetails
| extend ['MFA Method'] = tostring(parse_json(AuthenticationDetails)[1].authenticationMethod)
| summarize Count=count()by ['MFA Method']
| where ['MFA Method'] != "Previously satisfied" and isnotempty(['MFA Method'])
| sort by Count desc
| render barchart with (title="Types of MFA Methods used")
List conditional access policy used
// Additional Toggle to determine CA result for success/failure login
//| where ResultType == "0"
| where ConditionalAccessPolicies != "[]"
| mv-expand ConditionalAccessPolicies
| extend CADisplayName = tostring(ConditionalAccessPolicies.displayName)
| extend CAResult = tostring(ConditionalAccessPolicies.result)
| summarize Count=count() by CADisplayName, CAResult
| sort by CADisplayName asc
List the use of conditional access policies and their status (Success/Failure)
| mv-expand todynamic(ConditionalAccessPolicies)
| extend CAResult=tostring(ConditionalAccessPolicies.result), CAName=tostring(ConditionalAccessPolicies.displayName)
| summarize TotalCount=count(),ResultSet=make_set(CAResult) by CAName
| where not(ResultSet has_any ("success","failure"))
| sort by CAName asc
List sign-in using device-code
| where AuthenticationProtocol == "deviceCode"
List conditional access policies changes
| where ActivityDisplayName == "Update policy"
| project ActivityDateTime, ActivityDisplayName, TargetResources[0].displayName, InitiatedBy.user.userPrincipalName
List device registration policies changes
| where OperationName == "Set device registration policies"
| project TimeGenerated, ActivityDisplayName, AdditionalDetails[0].value, InitiatedBy.user.userPrincipalName
List Windows LAPS password changes
| where OperationName == "Update device local administrator password"
| project TimeGenerated, TargetResources[0].displayName, Result